Friday, December 19, 2008

The Positive Calendar - December 2008

The 2009 Positive Calendar is up for sale and we look forward to your continued solidarity.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year All the members of Shanker Foundation DjNP+ and Friends

Please contact Vikram at
or call him at 9832042879 and 9800694703

Yours in Solidarity

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Break the Silence

Dear All,

Here's a song that Dimple's written for people living with HIV AIDS. Its called 'break the silence". He has this to say "this song is my hope for a change that we can bring for the people living with HIV AIDS today....enjoy!"

So as the New Year comes upon us let us break the silence and reach out.

Check out the song at

warm regards

December 2008 Updates

Winter has set in the Darjeeling Hills, but doesnt mean life comes to a stand still. Members of Shanker Foundation along with the representative of Shanti International are at Pokhriabong for an awareness programme. We have come a long way but we are not there as yet, and we have miles to go before we are sleep...
"Jaga, jaga, jaga na jaga, Ghor nind aba parityaga – Dharnidhar Sharma."

"Take the lead for the dignity and rights of PLWHA – All the HIV positive people living in Darjeeling"

The 2009 Positive Calendar is up for sale and we look forward to your continued solidarity.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year All the members of Shanker Foundation DjNP+ and Friends