Tuesday, December 27, 2011
The Positive Calendar 2012

Monday, December 19, 2011
Observance of World AIDS Day 2011 - A report

The introductory speech was given by Mrs. Sona Rana Subba by inviting the guests on the stage namely, Mr. Suman Das Pradhan, Secretary of Red Cross Darjeeling, Mr. Dhurba Chettri, District Programme Manager of DAPCU, Mrs. Anuja Ghaley, President of NGO network, Mr. Shanker Mani Rai of Shanker Foundation. Following that Mrs. Anuja Ghaley, President of Darjeeling NGO Network welcomed the dignitaries and members present. She gave the brief details about the Darjeeling NGO network which is the collective of fourteen member organizations working in diverse fields in the Darjeeling Hills which is formed for building sustainable Darjeeling Hills through networking, relationship building and sharing of expertise.
Mr. Shanker Mani Rai, Secretary of Shanker foundation DjNP+ informed the gathering about the transfer and prevention of HIV/AIDS. He gave the brief background of the Shanker foundation. He also highlighted the total figure of positive members who has been registered in the Shanker foundation. He said “I am grateful to share the news about the hospice land (Rehabilitation Center) which has been released from the M.P fund hosted by Mr. Jaswanth Singh and the construction programme of which has been started in Singamari. The main reason for the formation of Rehabilitation centre is to provide the accommodation and treatment facilities for the HIV infected victims who have been abandoned by their families and the societies. Discrimination is another vital factor that the AIDS victims are facing in their day to day life, due to which HIV positive people are not being able to disclose their status and cannot access treatment.”
The Positive Calendar 2012 was launched by the chief guests and the dignitaries. The calendar was sponsored by NGOs, business houses, individuals to support the Darjeeling network of positive people. All the proceeds of the sale of the calendars will go towards the activities of Shanker foundation Darjeeling Network of Positive People.
Mr. Dhurba Chettri, District Programme Manager of District AIDS Prevention Control Unit highlighted the theme of this year that is “getting to zero “. He stated,” the new HIV infection, HIV related discrimination, HIV related death should be brought to zero. Planning needs to be done and service facility should be strengthened in order to bring those things into Zero”.According to his information there are seven ICTC (Integrated Counseling Testing Centre) in Darjeeling, two in Darjeeling district hospital, one each in Kursoeng, Kalimpong, Mirik, Bijanbari. The places which are lacking such facilities will be soon provided with mobile ICTC within 15th of December. He also declared that they had sent the volunteers in different areas of Darjeeling Hill for Red Ribbon Campaign and the fund raised from that campaign will be given to the Shanker foundation for the care and support service of HIV infected members.
Mr. Suman Das Pradhan, Secretary of Red Cross stated that Darjeeling holds the second place in West Bengal in HIV/AIDS infection. He said, “Urban people lack awareness compared to rural areas. Their hesitation in blood donation and testing are seen whereas the people from rural area come to him and requests him for blood testing programme in their areas. Awareness of HIV/AIDS should reach to the adolescents and practical and theoretical knowledge is necessary for them to be aware. Awareness campaign should be done in various Higher Secondary schools and colleges.”He also explained the five mandatory blood tests needed after which one can donate the blood. Counseling to the HIV infected should be done and their confidentiality should be maintained. Lastly he said “until and unless clients do not come forward it is impossible to bring it into zero.”
The programme ended with music played by different bands like Laid Back, Baraka, Head Motif and Blues Buddies to create awareness among the youths.
At Kurseong:World AIDS Day service at Kurseong was followed by the Staff of Shanker Foundation, Mr.D.K. Subba supported by the staff members of Red Cross and Manas Bangla had set up the stall in front of the Sub-Divisional Hospital premises, the opening of which was done by the S.D.O of Kurseong from where Red Ribbon and the Pamplets of 2012 was distributed. Blood donation camp was also set up in the Kurseong Government College. The mobile awareness campaign through a van spread the message to a larger audience.
Monday, November 28, 2011
World AIDS Day on 1st December 2012

The theme for this year's observance is "Getting to Zero" Zero New HIV Infections. Zero Discrimination, and Zero AIDS Related Deaths. The World AIDS Campaign focus on "Zero AIDS Related Deaths" signifies a push towards greater access to treatment for all. Perhaps more importantly, it also calls upon governments to keep the commitments they have made to fight the deadly disease.
The program is targeted at creating awareness on HIV/AIDS and will feature talks by Positive Speakers; the launch of the Positive Calendar 2012; HIV/AIDS bill campaign; street theatre and cultural programs onHIV/AIDS and performances by local bands. Kiosks with informationon HIV/AIDS with seasoned counselors will be available to the public throughout the day.
Get involved and show your solidarity! Come and join us in the World AIDS Day celebration and spread the awareness.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Fund Raising Gala Dinner on 10th December

For people struggling with HIV/AIDS, these times put their lives at risk.
Low –income group people living with HIV AIDS right here in Darjeeling must now make unthinkable choices: Food or Medicine? Housing or Healthcare?
You Can Help.
Come attend the Shanker Foundation Charity Gala Dinner this December.
We are organizing a Fund-Raising Gala Dinner at Glenarys on the 10th of December with a Ghazal performance by Ajnish. Dinner and a welcome drink is included with the ticket and to make it worthwhile, an automatic entry to a Raffle Draw that will be announced on the night with lots of exciting prizes.
Tickets are priced at Rs. 1100/- for a couple and Rs. 600/- for single.
If you cannot attend yourself please forward this message to people you know in and around the Darjeeling Hills - to your family members and friends. Anyone who feels it worthwhile to save a life and to contribute to a good cause.
You can contact Roshan @ 99320 24812 or Kundan @ 9002308409 for booking tickets or tables. You can also write to friendsofshanker@gmail.com for more details about the event and possible sponsorship. If you know corporate contacts in and around Darjeeling who might chip in a bit as part of their CSR programmes, then please refer them to us. We need as much support as possible to make this event a success and raise some real funds for the Foundation.
Looking forward to seeing you on the 10th of December.
Warm regards
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
DIWALI update

A prayer for all the departed souls and their families of the awful tragedy at Bijanbari where a bridge collapsed killing 32 people and more than 100 injured on the 22nd of October.
In all this the Shanker Foundation still has to continue with three new patients at the hospital and the support from Darjeeling Unlimited making the difference to the lives of these three members. After a long time the Dj Unlimited support enabled a member meeting to happen on the 23rd. This important meeting had not happened due to lack of resources. The meeting is crucial to update members of developments but also is extremely important as a space of solidarity and support.
There has been a buzz of activities on the World AIDS day front too. Event planning is on with a number of local bands volunteering their music for awareness. The exact details are being sorted out but this one definitely comes with more thought than the previous ones with the work beginning when it should. Calendar is a slight worry but discussions are going ahead and we still hope to make it before the school close for winter. Friends please remember 1st December and take part in this years crucial international theme of Getting to Zero which is so pertinent to the Darjeeling Hills.
World AIDS Day
World AIDS Day, observed December 1 each year, is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. It is common to hold memorials to honor persons who have died from HIV/AIDS on this day. Shanker Foundation in association with various partners has been observing the day publicly in Darjeeling since 2006.
This year the theme of ‘GETTING TO ZERO – Zero New HIV Infections, Zero Discrimination and Zero AIDS Related Deaths’ signifies a push towards greater access to treatment to all; a call for governments to act now. The global campaign highlights how our fundamental right to health is intrinsically linked to other basic rights of food, shelter, freedom, clean water and safety. Crucial too is access to affordable life saving quality medicines free from the crippling effects of excessive profit making. The global theme is equally pertinent to the Darjeeling Hills.
Kundan is taking the Gazal night forward. Ajnish has volunteered his music for the night of fund raising which is on for 3rd December. Ajoy has been super generous with Glenarys as the venue when all the others were quoting sky high prices. We hope to see you there.
Wishing you light in your lives this Diwali and fond remembrances from the beautiful Darjeeling Hill wherever you are.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Happy Dasherra and some updates

Puja days are here and this year it is going to be super special with all of us in the Hills looking at this new lease of life after the earthquake. Our prayers for all those whose lives ended with the earthquake. The earthquake shook us and also gave us a new meaning to our lives. An understanding as to how precious and fragile life is and what a gift it is.
A gift equally precious has come by through Darjeeling Unlimited USA with a financial support of Rs. 72004:00. The Darjeeling Unlimited are Non Resident Darjeeling Hills people who live in USA and want to do something meaningful in Darjeeling. In the past they have raised funds for individuals in need in the Darjeeling Hills. This year through the many winding turns of friends and relationships that are typical of our hills Darjeeling Unlimited go to hear of Shanker Foundation and decided to become 'Friends'. One of their expressions of this friendship was the Rs. 72000:00 which will go a long way towards strengthening the Network in Kurseong; OI Treatments; Nutritional Support, Network meetings and office expenses. The support really means a lot with resources having dried up lately but increasing number of patients. A big THANK YOU Darjeeling Unlimited USA.
The myths and misconceptions continue and quacks have emerged in Sikkim and Dharan who are promising cure for HIV. We have lost a member and one got serious with the quacks' treatment. It seems to aggravate the condition and patients' health deteriorates rapidly. We do not know of the many hidden PLHAs who might have fallen to the quack who advertised in a local daily. The struggle continues in many fronts.
Discussions on the calender has gone ahead with sponsorship letters on the roll. Rs. 8000/- being the minimum for logos on the calendar. Discussions on a fund raising night is ahead with Ajnish committing his voice for the event. We look forward to wonderful gazal evening with Ajnish around mid November, post Diwali and some serious fund raising. Watch this space for more news on the venue and date of the event. Thank you Ajnish and team for coming on board.
1st December World AIDS Day is round the bend and discussions for an awareness event at Big Bazzar or Chowrasta has started with a number of individuals/bands coming forward in support. Please do think of something you could do at your place too.
Dasain ani Tihar ko Subhakamna with family and friends. I sign off - shaken and stirred, but still full of hope.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
The Wall - September 2011

Dear Friends,
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Redoing The Wall - 3rd and 4th September 2011

Dear Friends,
Remember last year at the wall, for refreshing memory as well as friends who have joined after the wall was done the email update is quoted below and some links on the net which has more stuff on the wall.
The monsoon was pretty normal this year which means it was heavy and the photographs from last month shows what the wall has become post monsoon. The tiles are the ones which have withstood the test of one winter and a monsoon. With the monsoon easing up, lets renew our friendship with Shanker Foundation Darjeeling Network of Positive People and join the community of friends on the 3rd and 4th September 2011 to renew the wall. Dipang and Sweta will once again lead us by putting up tiles on the wall. Dipang has collected enough broken tiles which will enable us to renew our commitment and solidarity with Shanker Foundation DjNP+.
Within the winds of change there is still need for us to remain strongly rooted to our commitment to our cause of PLHAs in the Darjeeling Hills.
Looking forward to see you at the wall,
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Candlelight Memorial at Chowrastha
Dear Friends,
We remembered all of you at the Candlelight memorial at Chowrastha and felt your presence and support in the prayers and hymns. We rejoiced with the strength of the positive speakers and shed tears lighting the candles. We enjoyed the music and relived the talent of the hills and wished we had a platform for these talented artists.
Thanking you all and attaching below a report by Tashi and photos by Ashesh.
Yours sincerely
This year, Shanker Foundation, Darjeeling organized the Memorial in Chowrasta. Chowrasta is a place that is visited by hundreds to take a walk or just hang about in Darjeeling and therefore apt to hold the Memorial. The Memorial this year had more participants and more people. It is now an annual program that Shanker Foundation observes since 2008 though the history of the International Candlelight Memorial stretches much further and started in 1983.
Priests from all religion and members of the Pranami and Brahmakumari sects lead us with their prayers. Each prayer was recited differently but was alike in their aim to pray for the souls of people who passed away and those living with HIV/AIDS.
Pratap and Ghanu who are members of the Foundation spoke about living with HIV/AIDS along with how they came to accept their positive status and the changes they brought about in their lives. They spoke powerfully on the issue and brought forth a sense of empowerment they have in sharing their stories with people which in turn help in changing lives of others infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. Positive speakers are powerful catalyst who bring the emotional and most importantly personal aspects of the issue to the fore and make us realize that we are not dealing with just an “issue” here but people.
The prayer service was followed by music; young and upcoming bands like the “Laidback” and other Darjeeling Hills based artists brought the young to their feet but kept the focus on the issue as well. A short documentary on HIV/AIDS made by the Mass Communications student of St.Joseph’s College, Darjeeling gave a local perspective on the issue and showed that the youth of Darjeeling are aware of the facts relating to HIV/AIDS.
Monday, May 9, 2011
International AIDS Candlelight Memorial
Dear Friends,
The members have been working hard for the Candlelight Memorial 15th May 2011 with the distribution of letter and not to forget the translation.
The media houses have been contacted and Himali Darpan is doing a special. Religious organisations will take the prayer services forward and hoping that you will take it forward in your own places wherever you are. We will have all the major faiths represented at Chowrastha.
Information and Culture department has been kind enough to print 50 posters which have gone up in town and is attached with the mail. A street theatre group called up today with a street act on HIV so will be part of the memorial on Sunday. Ghanu and Pratap are working on their sharing.
We will meet as a team at the office this Friday at 4pm to tie up any loose ends. We will meet you at Chowrastha in mind, body or soul at 4pm on 15th May 2011 irrespective of where you are.
Touching Lives
Thursday, March 17, 2011
15 May - Candlelight Memorial (Touching Lives)

It always takes a while to get things into Darjeeling but when it does come, it comes in a big way and stays for a long time; sometimes too long a time.
We observed the International Candlelight Memorial two years ago with a few of us gathered in the Darjeeling Red Cross grounds for a multi-faith prayer service. This year, 15th May 2011, we hope to make it bigger.
The Candlelight Memorial
The International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, coordinated by the Global Network of People living with HIV is one of the world’s oldest and largest grassroots mobilization campaigns for HIV/AIDS awareness in the world. Started in 1983, the Candlelight Memorial takes place every third Sunday in May and is led by a coalition of some 1,200 community organizations in 115 countries hosting local memorials to honor the lives lost and raise social consciousness about HIV. The Candlelight is also much more than just a memorial. It provides opportunities for leadership development, policy advocacy, partnerships, and improvement of community mobilization skills. With 33 million people living with HIV today, the Candlelight continues to serve as an important intervention for global solidarity, breaking down barriers, and giving hope to new generations.
For more details log onto: http://www.candlelightmemorial.org/ You can dedicate a candle online at www.candlelightmemorial.org/light_candle/index.php
Darjeeling is blessed with a religious harmony which we hope to build upon. We will be advocating different religious groups in Darjeeling Hills to hold prayer services in their own special way and spaces. We hope to have letters for the different religious groups out by the end of this month. Please let us know of religious groups that you want us to include in the communication and most importantly explain the memorial to them. We believe in the power of prayer and imagine the power of all the prayers of the Darjeeling Hills. We also believe that religious organizations are powerful agents of the much needed societal change.
We will also have a centralized memorial (hoping to have it in Chowrastha) where we will have multi-faith prayer service, candle light memorial, positive speakers, information kiosks and documentaries screened.
Samajs, Educational institutions, NGOs will be invited to participate in the memorial at Chowrastha. The memorial is not just for all the people who have died but also for all the ones who are living with HIV/AIDS. The memorial is also about our society looking within and taking responsibility of ourselves. We have a culture of supporting each other and the time is now to embrace people living with HIV/AIDS in the Darjeeling Hills and break down the walls of stigma and discrimination and stand for the rights of PLHAs.
The global theme for this year is “Touching Lives”. We invite you to touch lives and be the change you want to see in this world. We invite you to touch your own life and offer the change to others. We want you to strengthen your belief in the power of prayer, religious harmony and PRAY.
Yours sincerely
Friday, February 4, 2011
Winter in Darjeeling

Winter is a tough time in our Darjeeling Hills. People who can afford move to warmer climes. Darjeeling wears a deserted look and moves into a sense of hibernation. Lately, political activism and Shanker Foundation seems to get a fresh lease of life every winter.
I was at the Shanker Foundation office yesterday to discuss activity plans for this year. Ended up chatting as i had not gone down to the office for a long time. Loads of laughter typical of Darjeeling Hills on the problems faced by the members including not being able to access Second Line ART.
With tea and Ghuramia puff biscuits the talk went more serious and laughter decreased. In the past few weeks three of the members have died. Families turned up at the office, all of them tested positive. A 13 year old daughter and parents, another family with an 8 year old child and a 60 year old man and his wife aged 52 years tested positive. They have very little understanding of the virus, the lifestyle changes needed and lack adequate resources to access treatment.
The deaths and new members appearing in winter is becoming a regular feature. Most of the members who come to the office in winter, live in difficult circumstances and the only time they are free to look beyond survival is winter. i just hope and pray that in these few days of winter they are able to gain enough information and knowledge to make the necessary lifestyle changes to maintain their dignity of life. Once the hustle bustle of Darjeeling comes their lives will be engulfed in their rat race of daily bread.
At this juncture i realise the importance of the core team of Shanker Foundation who provide living examples of positive life style for these new members. Not only do they provide information and linkages necessary but also inspire them. They are key in fighting for the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS. Without them the majority slip away in forced silence. A frustrating silence which kills more than the virus does. A silence that all of us are responsible for. A silence that perpetuates dehumanisation of our society.
Such discussions in closed environment always moves to difficulties of the group. Moments of truth like these, brings out the struggles of the team which is not seen by most people. It also brings out their passion and selflessness driving them in their respective life journeys irrespective of the adversities. Some of them have not received their honorarium since September 2010, yet continuing their jobs as someone has to do it whether there is money or not.
The discussion then went practical as to what we should do. It was generally agreed that we should continue working on reduction of stigma and discrimination, care and support and advocating for rights of PLHIV. There will also be focussed activity on selling the 2011 Positive Calendar this month. Some thoughts on fund raising targeting the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial (3rd Sunday of May) was placed. It was decided that we would meet in a week's time.
I walked back to office thinking about what i heard and what we discussed and realised that I have not shared any updates with the Friends of Shanker for a long time so here goes an update and wishing All A HAPPY NEW YEAR. An update calling on all the Friends to TAKE THE LEAD
Yours sincerely