Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Workshop on HIV/AIDS With Faith Based Organizations

20th May, 2012 
Good Will Centre, Darjeeling

A workshop was organized byShanker Foundation DjNP+ at the Good Will Centre, Darjeeling with the support of friends. Sona Rana Subba, one of the friends of Shanker Foundation started the workshop by welcoming everyone and by introducing theparticipants from different Faith Based Organization. She also briefly described the participants about the background of the foundation as well as International Candlelight Memorial which was to be celebrated on the same evening at Chowrasta.

Hari Chettri, SecretaryShanker Foundation  started off with his presentation on the present scenario, care and support issues in the Darjeeling Hills like inadequate medical services and variouscase studies on stigma & discrimination faced by the members of ShankerFoundation. He also gave  a brief description about the services provided by the foundation to its members as below:
1. Psycho-SocialSupport
2. Medical Support
3. Nutritional Support
4. Educational support
5. Awareness on HIVprevention and stigma discrimination
6. Advocacy(Specially with govt. agencies for improved medical services etc)

He also discussed on how Faith Based Organisations could provide support to the Shanker Foundation.

Mr. Jiwan Giri, the representative from Manav Uthan Sewa Samity, placed his interest on organizing an awarenessprogram among the members of their organization.

A representative from BhramaKumaris said that they too are interested in organizing an awareness programin at their place and  also shared his feeling by telling that people in today's world are aware of the things happening around them, but due to lack of spiritual and moral knowledge their actions are  lagging behind. So knowledge should be given to them on scientific as well as spiritual basis.

Members of Sai Samity were interested in organizing an awareness program among their members. Some myth about some Ayurvedic treatment was also discussed in the workshop. Hari Chettri also spoke to the participants about the Positive Calendar which Shanker Foundation releases every year and told them that they can also provide  support to the Foundation by buying these calendars.

The workshop turned out to be successful with the active participation of all present and was concluded formally with vote of thanks by Sona and also asking them to head to Chowrasta to observed the International Candlelight Memorial.

Shanker Foundation Team

International Candlelight Memorial 2012

20th May, 2012 - Chowrasta,  Darjeeling
The 2012 International Candle lightmemorial service was observed by Shanker Foundation, Darjeeling Network ofPositive People with the support of Friends of Shanker Foundation and the citizens of Darjeeling.

Sona Rana Subba, a friend of Shanker Foundation DjNP+ welcomed thepeople present at Chowrasta for the Candlelight Memorial while Shankermani Rai, Secretary of Shanker Foundation DjNP+ gave a brief description of why theInternational Candlelight Memorial is observed and briefly introduced the vision, mission and existing activities of the Foundation.

Sona Rana and Nisha Chettri, a counselor of Shankerfoundation read about the Candlelight Memorial both in English and Nepali. Here is the excerpt from that reading - “The International AIDS CandlelightMemorial being planned for Darjeeling is part of a larger, global campaign,coordinated by the Global Network of People living with HIV, one of the world’soldest and largest grassroots mobilization campaigns for HIV/AIDS awareness inthe world. Started in 1983, the Candlelight Memorial takes place every thirdSunday in May and is led by a coalition of some 1,200 community organizationsin 115 countries hosting local memorials to honor the lives lost and raisesocial consciousness about HIV. The Candlelight Memorial is also much more thanjust a memorial. It provides opportunities for leadership development, policyadvocacy, partnerships, and improvement of community mobilization skills. With33 million people living with HIV today, the Candlelight Memorial continues toserve as an important intervention for global solidarity, breaking downbarriers, and giving hope to new generations”.

Differentreligious leaders from the Japanese temple, local Hindu temples, the churches and members of the Brahma Kumaris andManav UthanSewa Samity conducted a solidarity and prayer service during the program. Bhajans and hymns were also chanted by the members of Mahakal Mandir Committee and theyouths of Sacred Heart Church.The candlelight ceremony was started after the lighting of lamps by religiousleaders and followed by all the participants who lit the candles and placed itin a shape of the AIDS symbol.

A local Gospel band, Soul Winner, performed for the people  to create awareness among the youth on the importance of observing the International Candlelight Memorial Day and also for the acceptance of PLHAs in our communities. The participants werepresented from different CBOs, NGOs, FBOs and Govt. organizations.  The lighting ceremony was started at 4: PM and and ended at 8pm with vote of thanks from the Foundation.

The Candle light memorial service at Kurseongwas observed by the staff of Shanker Foundation, Mr. D.K. Subba, supported bythe staff of the local Hospital at the Sub-Divisional Hospital premises, Kurseong.

The program was started by Mr.D.K  subba by welcoming participants in the program. He also spoke on the present scenario and background of the Shanker Foundation. He read about the Candle light memorial service and requested the participants to pay their homage to the victims of HIV/AIDS by lighting candles.

Members of the local Sai Samity conducted a solidarity and prayer service and also chanted bhajans in the  memory of those who have died of AIDS and also requested all the participants to pray for their soul to rest in peace. Participants consisted of members from local CBOs and NGOs of Kurseong.

Shanker Foundation Team

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dear Friends,
On behalf of the members and friends of Shanker Foundation, I request you to please join in a global solidarity event that is held each year toremember victims of HIV/AIDS and to raise awareness. This event is held on the third Sunday of May each year and this year it falls on the 20th of May.

We invite you to commemorate this day with us as an act of solidarity with the larger International AIDSCandlelight Memorial event. We urge you to hold prayers and encourage communitydialogue focused on the care and societal support needs of People Living withHIV/AIDS (PLWHA).
We also invite you to join community-based organizations, faith-based organizations and others at the Candlelight Memorial to be held in Chowrasta, Darjeeling and in Kurseong on the 20th of May, 2012 at 4 pm.

The global theme for this year is “Promoting Health and Dignity Together”. The memorial is not just for all the people who have died but also for those who are living with HIV/AIDS. We would like you to reach out to those living with HIV/AIDS and help them to lead a healthy life along with dignity.We have a culture of supporting each other and the time is now to embracepeople living with HIV/AIDS in the Darjeeling Hills and break down the walls of stigma and discrimination.

We thank you for your support and solidarity for the memorial and look forward to your continued support inthe fight against HIV/AIDS and stigma it needlessly carries.

Yours sincerely,