Monday, May 9, 2011

International AIDS Candlelight Memorial

15 May, 2011

Dear Friends,
The members have been working hard for the Candlelight Memorial 15th May 2011 with the distribution of letter and not to forget the translation.
The media houses have been contacted and Himali Darpan is doing a special. Religious organisations will take the prayer services forward and hoping that you will take it forward in your own places wherever you are. We will have all the major faiths represented at Chowrastha.

Information and Culture department has been kind enough to print 50 posters which have gone up in town and is attached with the mail. A street theatre group called up today with a street act on HIV so will be part of the memorial on Sunday. Ghanu and Pratap are working on their sharing.

We will meet as a team at the office this Friday at 4pm to tie up any loose ends. We will meet you at Chowrastha in mind, body or soul at 4pm on 15th May 2011 irrespective of where you are.

Touching Lives