Tuesday, October 25, 2011

DIWALI update

Dear Friends,

Time flies.

A prayer for all the departed souls and their families of the awful tragedy at Bijanbari where a bridge collapsed killing 32 people and more than 100 injured on the 22nd of October.

In all this the Shanker Foundation still has to continue with three new patients at the hospital and the support from Darjeeling Unlimited making the difference to the lives of these three members. After a long time the Dj Unlimited support enabled a member meeting to happen on the 23rd. This important meeting had not happened due to lack of resources. The meeting is crucial to update members of developments but also is extremely important as a space of solidarity and support.

There has been a buzz of activities on the World AIDS day front too. Event planning is on with a number of local bands volunteering their music for awareness. The exact details are being sorted out but this one definitely comes with more thought than the previous ones with the work beginning when it should. Calendar is a slight worry but discussions are going ahead and we still hope to make it before the school close for winter. Friends please remember 1st December and take part in this years crucial international theme of Getting to Zero which is so pertinent to the Darjeeling Hills.

World AIDS Day
World AIDS Day, observed December 1 each year, is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. It is common to hold memorials to honor persons who have died from HIV/AIDS on this day. Shanker Foundation in association with various partners has been observing the day publicly in Darjeeling since 2006.
This year the theme of ‘GETTING TO ZERO – Zero New HIV Infections, Zero Discrimination and Zero AIDS Related Deaths’ signifies a push towards greater access to treatment to all; a call for governments to act now. The global campaign highlights how our fundamental right to health is intrinsically linked to other basic rights of food, shelter, freedom, clean water and safety. Crucial too is access to affordable life saving quality medicines free from the crippling effects of excessive profit making. The global theme is equally pertinent to the Darjeeling Hills.

Fund Raising GHAZAL NIGHT on 3rd December
Kundan is taking the Gazal night forward. Ajnish has volunteered his music for the night of fund raising which is on for 3rd December. Ajoy has been super generous with Glenarys as the venue when all the others were quoting sky high prices. We hope to see you there.

Wishing you light in your lives this Diwali and fond remembrances from the beautiful Darjeeling Hill wherever you are.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Happy Dasherra and some updates

Dear Friends,

Puja days are here and this year it is going to be super special with all of us in the Hills looking at this new lease of life after the earthquake. Our prayers for all those whose lives ended with the earthquake. The earthquake shook us and also gave us a new meaning to our lives. An understanding as to how precious and fragile life is and what a gift it is.

A gift equally precious has come by through Darjeeling Unlimited USA with a financial support of Rs. 72004:00. The Darjeeling Unlimited are Non Resident Darjeeling Hills people who live in USA and want to do something meaningful in Darjeeling. In the past they have raised funds for individuals in need in the Darjeeling Hills. This year through the many winding turns of friends and relationships that are typical of our hills Darjeeling Unlimited go to hear of Shanker Foundation and decided to become 'Friends'. One of their expressions of this friendship was the Rs. 72000:00 which will go a long way towards strengthening the Network in Kurseong; OI Treatments; Nutritional Support, Network meetings and office expenses. The support really means a lot with resources having dried up lately but increasing number of patients. A big THANK YOU Darjeeling Unlimited USA.

The myths and misconceptions continue and quacks have emerged in Sikkim and Dharan who are promising cure for HIV. We have lost a member and one got serious with the quacks' treatment. It seems to aggravate the condition and patients' health deteriorates rapidly. We do not know of the many hidden PLHAs who might have fallen to the quack who advertised in a local daily. The struggle continues in many fronts.

Discussions on the calender has gone ahead with sponsorship letters on the roll. Rs. 8000/- being the minimum for logos on the calendar. Discussions on a fund raising night is ahead with Ajnish committing his voice for the event. We look forward to wonderful gazal evening with Ajnish around mid November, post Diwali and some serious fund raising. Watch this space for more news on the venue and date of the event. Thank you Ajnish and team for coming on board.

1st December World AIDS Day is round the bend and discussions for an awareness event at Big Bazzar or Chowrasta has started with a number of individuals/bands coming forward in support. Please do think of something you could do at your place too.

Dasain ani Tihar ko Subhakamna with family and friends. I sign off - shaken and stirred, but still full of hope.
