Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Global AIDS Week of Action 18-24 May, 2008

Global AIDS Week of Action 18-24 May, 2008
One week. One voice
Is the world doing enough to stop AIDS? Take action in your country and show solidarity globally. Join a groundswell of civil society voices from across the world during the week of 18-24 May to demand urgency, accountability and more resources in the fight against HIV and AIDS.
WHY: The severe impact of the AIDS pandemic on families, communities and economies is commonly acknowledged by scientists, the media and politicians the world over. However, more than 25 years later the losses remain stark: AIDS continues to kill almost 6000 people each day and more than 2 out of 3 HIV positive people still lack access to treatment. While women make up an increasing proportion of those living with HIV and bear a greater burden of care, current AIDS responses do not tackle the violation of women's rights – a key driver of the pandemic.
For the past two years during the Global AIDS Week of Action, activists have organised actions in over 30 countries to hold world leaders accountable on their landmark commitment to fight AIDS made at the United National General Assembly Special Session on AIDS (UNGASS) in 2001.
In 2005 world leaders made another historic promise on universal access, committing to: "developing and implementing a package for HIV prevention, treatment and care with the aim of coming as close as possible to the goal of universal access to treatment by 2010."The world needs to honour this ambitious promise to stop the needless deaths of women, men and children. Our governments must meet their national targets for universal access to treatment prevention, care and support. Multinational drug companies must stop putting profits before people. Rich nations, including the G8, must back their warm words on AIDS with real funds.The Global AIDS Week of Action is the defining mobilisation moment before world leaders report back to the UN on the progress they have made to meet their commitments on HIV and AIDS. So as our governments boast about their efforts at the UN meeting in New York, in cities from Abuja to Phnom Penh and Delhi to Lilongwe, citizens will call on them to deliver on their promises.WHEN: The Global AIDS Week of Action from 18-24 May 2008 is an opportunity for activists around the world to stand together, generate political pressure and demand action from our leaders. The week starts with the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day on 18 May – a Sunday when the world recognizes and remembers those who have died of AIDS. The week of action is just two weeks before a high level meeting at the UN discusses the progress made by each of our governments in the fight against AIDS. In early July the club of rich nations (G8) meet in Japan – let them know that the world is watching to see if they put money where their mouth is and agree a funding plan for the universal access goal.
HOW: Between now and the end of May, it's time to take action. You bring together fellow activists in your country to plan what action to take and what demands to make of your government. You then share your plans with friends and activists in other countries through the Global AIDS Week website,
Communication of your ideas and plans is the glue that will bind all our actions together and send a strong message to world leaders.Are you ready to join the Global AIDS Week of Action: Take the initiative by sending an email with the plans agreed by activists in your country to and we will add you to the list of active countries and send you updates. Then log on to the website to see your actions listed!
There is no global secretariat or chief organiser – the groups listed below are joining forces to make this call, and the rest is up to you. The success of the Global AIDS Week of Action depends entirely on committed people and networks working together in a coalition in their own countries. During this one week we must show solidarity internationally by campaigning nationally.
To see what people did in 2007, go to:
JOINT CALL TO ACTION by:ActionAid InternationalAfrican Civil Society Coalition on AIDSAIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA)Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (APN+)The Coalition of Asia Pacific Regional Network on HIV/AIDS (the Seven Sisters)Global Network of People living with HIV/AIDS (GNP+)Health & Development Network (HDN)International HIV and AIDS AllianceInternational Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC)MWENGO (Mwelekeo Wa Ngo)Pan-African Treatment Access Movement (PATAM)Treatment Action Campaign (TAC)World AIDS Campaign
One week to make leaders keep their promises. Let's make a big noise.

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