Priya* is one of the 36 women in the Foundation, a petite lady with a ready smile. She married young hoping for a better life. She became a mother at a young age and then discovered her husband had HIV/AIDS. The first thought that crossed her mind was of death, an early horrible death. She was terrified and feared HIV/AIDS. But she did not give up caring for her ailing husband.
She became the sole breadwinner and caregiver of her family. But since Darjeeling is a small town, word spread around and she was discriminated at her workplace. She started to live in denial and would run away if any member of Shanker Foundation approached her. But the burden of care could not be borne alone any longer so she sought the help of the Foundation. After joining the Foundation she started to open up to people and learn about HIV/AIDS. Gradually she overcame her fear of HIV/AIDS. She got herself tested and turned out HIV+. She lost her husband in 2007.
Priya* now works as a Peer Educator in the Foundation under the project supported and funded by The Adventurists in partnership with Mercy Corps raised from the Rickshaw Run in India. This Project aims at raising awareness on HIV/AIDS through workshops in rural and urban Darjeeling. The Project also provides support for transport to the Foundation since the only ART (Anti-Retroviral) Centre is in the North Bengal Medical College, Siliguri (a 3 hour drive from Darjeeling) as well as funds for Opportunistic Infections (OIs).
There are six members currently working under this Project and Priya is one of them. Workshops are conducted by members providing basic information on HIV/AIDS and a very important session wherein one of the member shares his/her experiences. Discrimination and stigma is still prevalent against people living with HIV/AIDS in Darjeeling and therefore these workshops are very important in combating these twin issues.
As a Peer Educator, Priya* not only counsels but also facilitates meetings and workshops in the community and schools. Since the start of the Project, Priya has become more confident and articulate. She says that the sense of responsibility and the will to live has grown stronger in her. Through the Project she travels to various areas and shares her experiences with the community. Priya* tells me that she is very happy and the sound of her laughter tells all...
* Name as been changed to maintain confidentiality
Submitted by Tashi (Friends of Shanker)
She can be contacted at tashi5_sherpa@hotmail.com
the quiet determination with which Priya has gone about rebuilding her life shows that she indeed is a real hero and role model for the hills..by chosing not to wallow in the morass of self-commiseration and pity but reaching out to help others instead she has taught us an important lesson in life and that is ..there is more happiness in giving than receiving...roshan..i was a little late in helping out with the calender this year..but will pull out all the stops to seek sponsers etc for next years project..also there seem to be some positive news in the HIV research front since i remember reading a procedure that tweaks the WBC of HIV positive people so that the changed white cell is more effective in countering the virus..apart from socio-economic aspects of the epidemic i would be happy if you could post some positive material on the kind of breakthroughs that are being made in the research front..
Hi Prabin
Thank you for you concern and support for the Foundation. Please get in touch with Roshan at rairoshan@gmail.com
We will definitely put up some articles on breakthroughs as you suggested.
(Friends of Shanker)
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